A recap, a prelude, and a premonition of terror -- We begin our story with a story -- In which old friends are reunited -- Katherine's story of their recent amazements -- A short frolic across the planet -- A bedtime story with a girl, a goose, and snowmen who are not so abominable -- Amazing discoveries and ancient magic -- A tall tale for a rabbit -- A hop, skip, and a jump through time -- The secret of the sword -- Revelations, terror, and daring deeds -- As the tower flies -- Delicate darkness -- The moonbeam tells his tale of woe -- A moonbeam, a mystery, and a muddle -- Wherein the friends must separate -- The curl twirls -- In which Pitch appreciates North's ingenuity but proves to be a dark customer indeed -- A surprising twist with a chocolate center -- Nightlight is dimmed -- In which we find munch marks of mystery -- The egg-cellent exchange -- One mystery begets another -- The honk of destiny -- In which there is a fearful discovery and a whisper of hope -- The egg armada -- The now-rotten core -- The power of the inner Pooka -- The battle begins -- The voice -- In which all is linked by an ancient mind trick that has a most surprising origin -- The mad scramble -- North is fallen -- The bookworm turns.